Friday, June 19, 2009

What would you do if...?

Motivationally speaking, SUCCESS IS A CHOICE!!! This fact gives you and I the power to choose to be successful. Our level of success depends entirely upon how far we want to go. What do we want to achieve?...choose! Obstacles are now opportunities to grow. Roadblocks are now opportunities to build.

Since life is multifaceted in the sense that we measure success across a wide range of areas, we have to stay encouraged and positive about our options. Once we understand that we make every choice, we can choose the successful option.

We can choose to be successful in our relationships! our careers! our business ventures! buying a home! having positive thoughts! staying hopeful about the future! anything we want to do!

So, this blogger is not just concerned about success in regard to finances and wealth. We have the privilege and responsibility to be successful (by choice) in every area of life. We become the motivated ones.

Motivated to live right.
Motivated to relate to people in peace.
Motivated to keep moving forward.
Motivated to make successful choices at every and any moment.
Motivated to chase our dreams with focused and persistent action.

So are you a "big-thinker"? Do you dream about possibilities for the future? Do you keep hoping that everything you have seen will come true?

Well guess what... You are the one that the vision is for. You are the one to be used as a vessel to accomplish greatness. Choosing to be great means choosing to submit to the leading of God while understanding that God has given you everything you already need to make it. Through the whole process, you trust God and you take action. You seek righteousness and you commit your heart to being a builder of His Kingdom. Then you rest and know that what God has said shall come to pass.

Financing great vision takes backing. Nehemiah's vision was backed by the riches of a king. God's vision for his people was to take them to the Promised Land and lead them through victory after victory until they possessed the land and had dominion.

Let's skip ahead in our scenario. Picture for me that God has brought you to the promised land, and you have won battle after battle and have secured the land that God promised to you. What would you do if your reality was a financially free existence?

"What would you do if...?"

What would you do if money was not an issue?

Instantly my mind wants to go to the beach vacation spot. I would search for my favorite beach until I found it, and then I would stay there. I would drive my favorite car, etc., etc. Things, stuff, and accumulation! But the truth of the matter is that I have a purpose to fulfill, and so does everyone else. It is up to me to make it to my destiny. While I would love to go on a vacation, being on permanent vacation would prove fruitless and boring after a while.

So what would you really do if money wasn't an issue? Set up a foundation to help someone else or some cause? Open a shelter for the homeless? Devote your life to teaching principles of stewardship? There is no limit to the wonderful things a person could do if money was not an issue.

Here is a thought: The fact that we don't have the money is only an obstacle, maybe a roadblock. Regardless, not having the money now is just a present reality. Not having the money to do...whatever we want...presents to us a choice.

What are our options?

1. Keep doing what we have always done.
2. Do something different until something works.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

I have been searching for the right opportunity for many years. I am 37 years old, and I have been searching and planning for over 15 years. It wasn't until I had the revelation that success was my choice that something very wonderful presented itself to me. This opportunity is the kind of wonderful that WILL bring us the reality that the title of this post represents. What will we do when money is no longer the issue?

I have my vision all written out, ready to go!

What would you do? What is your vision for the future? What would your vision of the future be if money wasn't the object anymore?

Check out the link below and contact me at:

It is up to you to make your dream come true. It is up to you to choose to do something different so that you can see a different result. Let me know what you think!

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